Transition to Adulthood - Virtual Field Trip - Nov. 4

Hosted by DSDHH, CSDHH, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Beginnings, and UNCG


Now is the time to start thinking about your future! Join us on Thursday, November 4th for two virtual events (10:30 am & 6:30 pm). Find out what resources are available to you RIGHT NOW! This is for college, job opportunities, and/or communication access. 

Thanks to all who joined! Click to open the Virtual Transition Kit to get contact information for the agencies represented!

Plan to join us again in Spring 2022 for more hands-on information and resources as you prepare to transition to adulthood!

**The 10:30 session is geared towards students the 6:30 is geared towards parents and young adults. Talk with your child and their teacher to ensure they have registered for the morning session. **