In-Person ASL Classes, by CSDHH

We put our in-person classes on hold in March 2020, and started offering online classes later that year. During the fall 2022 session, we hosted a trial in-person class again, open only to a small group of students, as a way of testing logistics for a return to in-person classes. Starting in winter 2023, we are slowly ramping up our in-person class offering again, while keeping in mind the continuing effects of COVID-19 and safety considerations for our students and instructors.

The return to in-person classes brings with it a lot of questions that students may have.

First, we recommend students review our general FAQ for classes.

Then, review the information below for specific information on our return to in-person classes:



CSDHH requires that students who experience any symptoms of COVID-19, who have had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, or who have tested positive themselves do not attend class in-person. When in doubt, stay home; there are alternative resources students can use to stay up-to-date. Do not risk your fellow students, CSDHH staff, and instructors by attending class.

We will not administer any arrival screening for students during classes. We are expecting students to follow our requirements and expectations on their own. If we learn that a student has arrived to class after experiencing symptoms, having had an exposure, or after testing positive, that student will be required to leave immediately. If we learn of any potential exposure to other students, such as if someone learns after attending class that they tested positive and may have had COVID-19 when they were in class, we will inform all students in an anonymous manner. Click here to see our Symptom/Exposure Procedure.

By signing up for in-person classes, students acknowledge that they will be in a room with more than a dozen other people and that there is a risk of exposure inherent to in-person classes.



CSDHH will ensure that alcohol-based hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to our office and/or the entrance to the classroom, and we encourage folks to wash their hands before entering the office; wash their hands after coughing, sneezing, or touching their mouth or nose; and use hand sanitizer as well throughout the class session whenever needed.

Additionally, weekly between each class session CSDHH will sanitize high-touch areas, including door knobs, tables and chairs, light switches, and other areas. Click here to see our Cleaning Procedure.



CSDHH will follow all applicable local and statewide ordinances and mandates. Currently, according the Guilford County Health Department, NC DHHS, and the CDC, masks are not required to be worn indoors, but are recommended for unvaccinated folks, and when Guilford County's Community Level is High (or when it's Medium for folks at increased risk for severe illness or who spend time or live with folks at higher risk).

Students should know that ASL incorporates facial expressions, eyebrow grammar, mouth morphemes, and other Non-Manual Signals (NMS) on the face; therefore, opaque or reflective face masks can impede students' ability to fully learn the language and teachers' ability to provide appropriate corrective feedback and coaching. We also understand that students may feel more comfortable wearing a mask since they'll be in a room with up to 12 other folks.

CSDHH encourages each student to make the best decision for themselves, knowing the environment, their level of risk and comfort, and the demands of classes. Students should note that each student may make their own decision regarding masking, and that students should not expect other students to change their behavior based on your preferences. We will work to ensure folks are able to learn effectively whether they or their classmates mask in class or not; we don't want anyone to feel they have to choose between their own safety or their ability to learn the content.

We are planning for the instructor in class to be mask-off, so that students are able to fully learn ASL, including the NMS mentioned above. If local ordinances or mandates regarding indoor masking change, we will assess how to adapt classes at that point.



CSDHH will follow all applicable local and statewide ordinances and mandates. Currently, according the Guilford County Public Health, NC DHHS, and the CDC, vaccines are recommended for all who are eligible. CSDHH endorses that recommendation; while vaccination is not required to attend classes and we will not be collecting or verifying vaccination status, we encourage anyone planning to attend in-person classes to be up-to-date on vaccines and boosters.

CSDHH encourages each student to consult Health Department, NC DHHS, and CDC guidelines, as well as guidance from their healthcare provider, to make the best decision for themselves. If local ordinances or mandates regarding vaccination change, we will assess how to adapt classes at that point.


Classroom Specs and Info

Classes will take place in the CSDHH Conference Room and in other conference rooms throughout the building, at our office in Greensboro, NC. Our office is in the Revolution Mill building, an old converted textile mill which now contains commercial, retail, and residential space. Our office consists of several individual offices, as well as a few common areas, including a lobby, kitchen, hallway, and conference room .

Our conference room measures approximately 27' x 18'9", with one corner truncated at roughly a 45-degree angle to accommodate the entrance door. The walls are ~10' feet high, and there is no ceiling in the room; above the 10' walls is open air up to the ceilings to our office, which are around 20' high. Air circulates throughout and above the several shared spaces in the office and the two offices which do not have floor-to-ceiling walls. The other building conference rooms are a good bit smaller, accommodating up to 12 people.

See pictures of our conference room here:

Note: Arrangement of furniture and items in room will be different during classes

Under normal circumstances, our conference room has accommodated up to 18 students each. As we return to offering in-person classes, we are making the decision to limit the capacity to 12 students. Students should expect to be close to each other without a 6ft distance separating them from their classmates. There will be six 2ft x 5ft tables arranged in U, with two students per table.



CSDHH acknowledges that we cannot require or enforce some of the health and safety guidelines that students may be concerned about, and in the interest of allowing students to make an informed decision before registering for class, we want to make explicit our policies, procedures, and other logistical information regarding classes.

CSDHH has and will continue to make our best effort to ensure that in-person classes are provided in as safe a manner as possible. Knowing that any in-person gathering during the COVID-19 pandemic brings with it a risk of exposure and illness, we are responding to the high demand for in-person classes while ensuring that students are receiving a quality, effective learning experience.

CSDHH has clear and published Policies and Procedures regarding masking, vaccinations, cleaning, and screenings, symptoms, and exposure (see above). Students registering for in-person classes must read and be familiar with those Policies, and by registering for class agree that they are familiar with our Policies, Procedures, and protocols, as well as the expectations and requirements or students. Students also should familiarize themselves with information on the classroom that classes will occur in.

By registering for classes, students are acknowledging that they are deciding to accept the risk inherent with in-person classes; that they are attending with other students who may or may not follow these guidelines; and that, while CSDHH will do its best to ensure a safe environment as outlined, ultimately students accept responsibility and liability for attending in-person classes.

Should local, regional, statewide, or other ordinances, mandates, or requirements change, we'll inform students as quickly as possible how those changes will affect ASL classes offered by CSDHH, and will make changes to meet new requirements and guidelines in a way that ensures the best-possible learning for our students.

After reviewing the information above, please proceed below to register for in-person classes!


We generally offer several different classes, differing on the day of the week class meets and the level of class. For fall 2024, in-person classes will meet on Thursdays. You would attend on the day of the week you sign-up for; students would not attend multiple times a week nor join a different class than the one they registered for. Each class meets 6:00pm - 8:00pm, starting September 26th and ending November 21st.

We will offer an optional Study Hall meeting every Monday from 5:45pm - 6:30pm, available for any extra support students may want. This can be because you’ve missed a class and want to review the content, because you have questions outside the purview of the class, because you want more practice or review to really cement what you’ve learned, or because you want a place to arrange to meet your classmates for extra practice whether or not you need any hands on support - or anything else!


Classes will meet at the CSDHH office, at 1175 Revolution Mill Drive, Suite 15, Greensboro, NC 27405.

Our building is an old converted textile mill, and it is a large building with multiple parking lots and entrances, and it’s easy to get turned around. We recommend reviewing our wayfinding information prior to the first night of class, to ensure you know where to park and how to find our office.


Please ensure you are familiar with the information on the general FAQs and Policies as well as the information above on this page. If you have any remaining questions before signing up for classes, please do not hesitate to reach us at or 336-275-8878.

Otherwise, click below to register for in-person classes!


In-Person Level 1 Class Registration

This class has filled up. Please click here to sign up for the waiting list, and you’ll be informed of any fall openings or of winter registration when it opens!


We know that the in-person class offering is still small, and it’s likely that classes will fill up quickly. Please sign up for the waiting list linked on each level’s page if the class you are interested in is full or fill out this interest form if you are interested in an evening or level not currently offered.