Filtering by: Workshops

10:00 AM10:00

SDHHDC Fire Safety Workshop

Join SDHHDC for this free workshop provided by the Lexington Fire Department. Learn how to prepare for a disaster. Prepare long before the thread of a wildfire so you and your family are ready. Pack your vehicle with your emergency items in advance. Create and follow an Action Plan so you and your family are prepared.

For questions, call VP 336-899-7059 or email

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10:00 AM10:00

Financial Frauds and Scams Presentation

Join Family Services of the Piedmont for a free presentation on Financial Frauds and Scams in the Senior Community. This presentation will cover how to recognize a scam, phishing, protecting your information, and how to report frauds/scams.

ASL interpreting and CART will be provided. For other communication accommodation requests, please contact Ginny Clark by November 4, 2024.

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10:00 AM10:00

A Tough Act to Follow - Theatrical Interpreting Workshop - Presented by Mid-State NCRID

Are you an interpreter interested in theatrical interpreting? The Mid-State region of NCRID is hosting an upcoming workshop all about theatrical interpreting. This is a fun, creative, and unique setting, but one where equal access is just as important as in more common settings.

The workshop will be Saturday, May 27, from 10:00am-12:00pm, via Zoom. The presenters are an experienced theatrical interpreter and an experienced production staff, and this is sure to be a fantastic workshop! Learn more and register today on their website:

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10:30 AM10:30

Triad Deaf Senior Citizens Event and POA Workshop

  • 1175 Revolution Mill Drive Greensboro, NC, 27405 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Triad Deaf Senior Citizens will host their regular monthly event, including a free presentation about Wills and POA!

Join them for a presentation by Shaun Arnold about Living Wills & Power of Attorney. Please arrive by 10:30am, and the presentation will start at 11:00am. This presentation is free. We ask for RSVPs advance to help know how many folks will be there - RSVP here!

Then, stay for their event afterward! Cost is $10 with food, $15 without.

Contact Martha Handy (336-223-8096) with any questions.

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2:00 PM14:00

HLAA Technology Showcase Webinar: Is Bluetooth® Technology the New Standard for Assistive Listening Systems?

Check out this webinar from the HLAA!

Presentation will be November 15, 2:00pm - 2:30pm via Zoom.

Learn more at their website here:

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10:00 AM10:00

NCRID Board Meeting & Road Trip Stop

The NC Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf will have a presentation in Greensboro! They have been hosting events in each part of NC to learn more about the local communities in those locations, and to share what NCRID does and learn what folks would like to see. They will also have their board meeting that same day, open to the public.

Board Meeting - 10:00am-3:00pm

Road Trip Presentation - 4:00pm-6:00pm

If you want to learn more about NCRID, or get involved, then join this event! Visit their website ( to learn more.

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9:30 AM09:30

DeafBlind/Support Service Provider Training

Are you interested in learning more about working with DeafBlind people? Have you ever considered becoming an SSP? Then check out this workshop!

This workshop will be Friday, March 25, 2022. Log-in time is 9:30am, and the workshop will last from 10:00am - 3:30pm. To register, email Daisy Wooten at⠀

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5:00 PM17:00

ASL Owl Workshop - Misconceptions about Listening Devices and Assistive Technology

Check out this workshop about Misconceptions about Listening Devices and Assistive Technology, presented by Kimberly Sanzo of Language First and hosted by ASL Owl!

This workshop will be February 11, 5:00pm - 8:00pm, via Zoom.

Learn more at

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6:30 PM18:30

Allies in Deafhood Workshop

Check out this workshop for people who can hear who may be parents or family members of Deaf children, ASL students, employers or colleagues with Deaf employees, or anyone else who may be curious to learn more!

Workshop is on 2/10, 6:30pm - 9:30pm Eastern, via Zoom

Learn more and register at their website here:

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9:30 AM09:30

DeafBlind/Support Service Provider Training

Are you interested in learning more about working with DeafBlind people? Have you ever considered becoming an SSP? Then check out this workshop!

This workshop will be Saturday, January 22, 2022. Log-in time is 9:30am, and the workshop will last from 10:00am - 3:30pm. To register, email Daisy Wooten at⠀

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2:30 PM14:30

DeafBlind/SSP Training Part II

Are you interested in learning more about working with DeafBlind people? Have you ever considered becoming an SSP? Then check out this workshop!

This two-part workshop will be September 27 and 29. Both days will have a log-in time of 2:30pm and will last from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. To register, email Savanna Toole at

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2:30 PM14:30

DeafBlind/SSP Training Part I

Are you interested in learning more about working with DeafBlind people? Have you ever considered becoming an SSP? Then check out this workshop!

This two-part workshop will be September 27 and 29. Both days will have a log-in time of 2:30pm and will last from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. To register, email Savanna Toole at

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